Monday, November 26, 2007

Testing from the Lord

In my personal devotions I've been reading the book of Hebrews and
reflecting once again on the life of Abraham. In particular, I've been
thinking about the testing that comes from the Lord.
Read Hebrews 12:5-9.
Just as God tested Abraham and walked with him as he developed his
faith, so too, he will test our faith. Discipline is a part if the
Father's love, but so is teaching and training.
Remember that the Lord will use both on your life as He grows your

Pastor Arlen

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bible Study Notes: Genesis 17

Remember last Chapter, Abram couldn't wait for God to fulfill His promises. Abram tried to help God out by sleeping with Hagar to have a surrogate child. Because of that action, God would be silent for the next thirteen years.

It should be noted that God's silence doesn't mean He is not working. We are to walk by faith, following God and doing what He's told us to do. And in those moments of seeming silence, God is developing our character and our faith.

Finally God breaks the silence and when he does, Abram responds in absolute submission and falls to his face in worship as he listens to the words of the Lord. (v1-3) It's interesting to note that in other instances when God spoke to Abram, his response was different. This time Abram responds in absolute submission and worship. We can therefore infer that Abram has been growing spiritually and maturing. This is why God chooses to speak to him and bring about the fulfillment of His promises at this time.

This fresh encounter with God begins with a fresh revelation of who God is... El Shaddai, God almighty. Look in our Blog archives for more on this significant name of God.

In changing Abram's name, God adds a fifth Hebrew letter to his name. Interestingly, five is the number in the Bible associated with grace. In the Bible, when a person's character changes significantly, God changes their name. Consider Jacob-Israel, Simon-Peter, Saul-Paul.

Circumcision would be a sign and token of the covenant God made with Abraham. But it would mean nothing if one doesn't know the meaning behind the practice.

An interesting study is on Ishmael. Although he received the sign of circumcision, he was not the child of the promise, nor would he ever show any signs of faith. Indeed he would be materially blessed, but never a spiritual man.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Study Notes: Genesis 16

In Chapter 15, God promised Abram that he would indeed have a son of his own, and God Himself made a covenant that He would keep His end of the deal. Having done that, God is silent for a little while and Abram continues to walk with the Lord.

Note in v1 that Sarai had a handmaid from Egypt. Remember the whole ordeal at Egypt? That episode in Abram and Sarai’s life continues to have consequences for them, just as our choices to trust God or ourself has consequences for us too.

Abram listened to his wife... sound a bit like Adam and Eve? It's not that women give bad advice, but when we look physically or culturally, we're likely to fall spiritually.

In our worship service, I spoke about cultural compromise. This is because sometimes we take advice or follow the directives of our culture rather than following what God says in the Bible. This is why it was “acceptable” for Abram to sleep with Hagar. Culturally it was an acceptable practice, but compared to the standards of the Bible, it doesn’t add up.

Verse 3's decision to give Hagar to Abram completely overlooks the primary reason God gave us marriage... companionship. This word from the Lord has the power to completely bless your marriage relationship. Don't gloss over it.

In v5 we see Sarai’s response when her plan doesn’t work as she thought it would. As the Bible says, out of the heart, the mouth speaks. Sarai’s true self is now coming out.

In v6 we see Sarai and Hagar each choosing to “do what comes naturally”. Sarai reacts to Hagar’s condescending glances and comments and Hagar flees from the negative situation. This whole chapter has been everyone doing what comes naturally rather than considering what the Lord would want them to do.

But before we give up all hope, consider how the Lord appears to Hagar in His grace and calls her back. This is the first instance in the Bible of “the angel of the Lord” appearing to someone. And He doesn’t appear to one of his people. He doesn’t appear when all is going well. He appears to Hagar at a time of brokeness and need. What a wonderful God who seeks and saves his lonely lost sheep.

Pastor Arlen

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Learning to Walk the Path of God

Hi Gang,
We just started this new series on the Life of Abraham (aka Abram).
Abraham's life is packed with practical lessons that we all need to learn as we walk with God. To help you follow along with our weekly messages, I'm going to put up some study notes for you here on my blog.

This week we're studying Genesis 13. So here are the notes for you...

Genesis 13: Study Notes for your personal growth

The Story begins with Abram's return from Egypt. Sometimes we have to return to the Lord from a season of disobedience.

v2- Notice the wealth Abram had accumulated. But remember how he got his wealth in Genesis 12:10-16.

v3-4 Tell of Abram's return spiritually. He came back to a place or worship to repent and return to God. If only we would always have enough sense to do the same when we have strayed.

v7 Mentions that the Canaanites and Perizzites were also living in the land where Abram and Lot's men quarreled. While this detail may be unimportant, isn't it true that there are always non-believers watching how we Christians act? If we respond like Abram, with humility and understanding, the world will see Jesus working in our lives and we can use that opportunity to turn people to Him.

In verse 10, Lot makes his decision purely on what he sees. Remember another person who did the same? Eve looked at the forbidden fruit and saw it's pleasing nature. But there's more to a choice than what we can see. There's the spiritual impact of obeying God or following his leading. I believe Abram was humble and followed God well because he first "called upon the name of the Lord." Lot lived by sight and not by faith.

"The East" it would be interesting to study the word East in the Bible as a lot of evil come from the "East".

The end of this chapter is marked with God reiterating His promise to Abram and Abram worshipping God.

What has God been teaching us about how we learn to walk the path of God? Repentance and worship characterize this chapter and God seems to be pleased. Walking the path of God requires humility and patience. We cannot rush God, but if we humbly worship and obey, God will bring about his plan in his timing. Amen!

Hope this helps you in your daily walk with God!

pastor arlen

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What is Worship?

As we move through this study on worship, you will be blessed by spending some time over the next few weeks thinking about worship.

What is it?
Who are we worshiping really?
Why do we worship?
Does it matter where we worship?
When should I worship?

Take a look at this Bible study for more information!

pastor arlen

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Worship: Come before Him with Thinking

One thing that separates Christianity from other religions is the way we meditate and use our minds. In many religions meditation is emptying the mind of our thoughts so that other thoughts can come in. The problem is that the devil can use that practice to fill our minds with his thoughts.

Christian meditation involves filling our minds with God's word, the Bible, and focusing our thinking on the words of Scripture.

Scripture commands us to be "transformed by the renewing of our minds." That is why when we worship, we should fill our minds with scripture and thoughts of God.

Our last study was on the "Names of God." Go back and reread those devotions and if you haven't already, ponder what those names mean. Praise and thank God for how He has worked in your life. Most importantly, meditate and deeply think about who God is and what He has said to us in his word.

That's coming before Him with thinking.

pastor arlen

PS- Jack Hayford is one of my mentors in ministries and a great evangelical thinker and writer. I recently picked up one of his older books called "The Heart of Praise" chapter 5 was the inspiration for this devotional.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Names of God: 200+

I love the wikipedia logo. So many languages, so many words. It reminds me of our study on the names of God.

There are somewhere between 200-600+ names for God in the Bible. It depends on whether you consider similar names to be one or multiple names.

We're more than half way through our study this week and if you've been enjoying studying the names of God as much as I have then you have been having a great time!

Let me encourage you to continue studying the names of God even after this week is over. You can use the same process we've been using all week.

1. Find a name for God.
2. Read the chapter in the Bible where the name is found.
3. Think about what the chapter is saying about that specific name for God.
4. Consider how that knowledge about God will affect your prayers, your daily life, or your worship of God.

We are blessed to be a blessing!
pastor arlen

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Names of God: God My Shepherd

Today, we wrap up our study on the Names of God. This is a name that most of us are familiar with. We've all heard messages either at memorial services or in church about how God is our shepherd. Take a moment to review what you've heard about God being our shepherd and then read our chapter today for additional insights.

Click here to listen and read Ezekiel 34.

Consider how God relates with us, His sheep...
  • I will search for them.
  • I will look after them.
  • I will rescue them.
  • I will gather them.
  • I will bring them into their own land.
  • I will pasture them and tend them.
  • I will search for the lost and bring back the strays.
  • I will bind up the injured.
  • I will strengthen the weak.
  • I will destroy the sleek and the strong. (Self-reliant vs. God reliant)
  • I will shepherd with justice.
  • I will judge.
  • I will make a covenant of peace.
  • I will bless them.
  • I will provide for them.
Did you see yourself in that list? God desires to minister to you and build His relationship with you. Will you continue to seek God for everything you need? Will you refuse to be self-reliant, and instead rely on God. Don't even rely on what you see, but walk by faith?

Do you know God? If you know Him and His character, can you trust Him?

If you are just beginning to realize who God is, pause for a moment and pray something like this:

Dear God,
You are amazing. I never really understood who you are or how much you care about me until now. Please help me to develop my understanding about you and my relationship with you. Forgive me for wandering and straying from your perfect standard and plan for my life. Help me to walk with you and to walk by faith. I trust you with my whole life, every part, every decision, and when this life is over, I trust that you will welcome me into your everlasting kingdom. Thank you for you incredible love for me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!!!

Now, don't stop. Continue to walk with God. Continue to learn more about Him.
At Christ's Church at Kapolei, we encourage you to take steps of faith like these...
1. Connect with God at a church worship service.
2. Begin to serve each other on a ministry team.
3. Love each other in a small group setting.
4. Touch the world through reaching out and world missions.

Take the next step of faith and see where God will lead you!

Pastor Arlen

Names of God: Living God

When I was in High School just learning about the Christian faith, I was a fact guy. I loved to hear facts about why Christianity was different from other religions. One fact that separates Christianity from other religions is the resurrection.

Jesus' resurrection from the grave is a fact that can be proven by historical documents and eye witness accounts.

Jesus' resurrection is also the prime example that God is a living God. Read today's chapter and consider what a difference it makes to follow a living God.

Click here to listen and read Jeremiah 10.

God is alive. He defied and continues to defy the idols and gods of this world (which are really just objects or deities made by man). You may feel like God doesn't hear your prayers sometimes, but He's alive and He's listening. Sometimes we have to be persistent in praying and seeking because if we will be persistent, God will show up. He just might show up in a way we weren't expecting.

How else will this truth about the Living God affect your prayer, worship, & devotion?

Take some time to pause and pray today.

Blessings to you that you might be a blessing to others!
pastor arlen

Names of God: Holy One

Holy... Holy is an often misunderstood word in the Bible. What does it really mean? We'll learn a bit in today's name.

God's holiness refers to a couple of themes.

First, His holiness refers to His character of purity and hatred of evil and immorality. We often hear about God's love and his grace, but love and grace area always balanced by God's holiness. Yes, God loves, but he also desires his people to be pure and undivided in their devotion to Him.

The second meaning for holiness is something that is separate and different in a sacred way. God is different than anyone and anything we can see in the world. He acts differently than any of the idols and gods of other nations. The idols and gods of the other nations are just selfish or angry or jealous personalities.

As you read today's chapter, consider how our God is different from what you might expect or different from other religions. Be sure to also note the moral standard that God calls us to.

Click here to listen and read Isaiah 43.

Take a moment now, if you haven't already, to pause and thank and praise God for being so different than other gods.

God truly deserves our worship and he has done so much for us that He deserves us to live holy lives for His glory. Take a moment to consider how you might live a more holy life in all you do today and tomorrow. Write yourself a note in your Bible to remind you.

Pastor Arlen

Names of God: God of Israel

Today's name for God occurs 195 times in the Bible. And although, we may not be Jewish people from the nation of Israel, we follow the God of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and today's description about God is still very applicable to our lives as Christians.

Click here to listen and read 1 Kings 8:1-30.

If you have ever doubted that our God is a personal God, today's name should put those thoughts to rest. The fact that God chose a group of people to call His own is incredible and gives us hope that He is personally interested in us.

In this passage, King Solomon is dedicating the newly built temple in Israel and God's presence fills the temple and indicates his presence with His people. Let that truth fill your heart, that God loves you and desires to be ever present with you as you worship Him. Some things have changed since the time of King Solomon. We no longer have a temple in Jerusalem to go to. But with Jesus' death, the Most Holy place where God's presence dwelt has been opened and we have all been given a backstage pass to meet with God as we worship, pray, and listen to His voice.

Throughout the Old Testament, God's people continued to recount the Exodus from Egypt. That event was a picture of the Lord's salvation for his people. Here again the people remember that it was the God of Israel who delivered them. God proved in the Exodus that He was greater than the gods of Egypt, even greater than any other god or idol. Gain confidence in God and comfort that He is your God. Nothing is too difficult from Him and He is to be worshiped because He is greater than any other god.

One final direction for our prayers needs to be for the nations. Solomon's prayer is worth quoting and praying ourselves...
41 "As for the foreigner who does not belong to your people Israel but has come from a distant land because of your name- 42 for men will hear of your great name and your mighty hand and your outstretched arm—when he comes and prays toward this temple, 43 then hear from heaven, your dwelling place, and do whatever the foreigner asks of you, so that all the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you, as do your own people Israel, and may know that this house I have built bears your Name.

Pastor Arlen

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Names of God: Jehovah Rophe

Today we're going to talk about a name for God that everyone loves. Even non-believer's love this name for God because when they're sick, they don't mind us praying for God to help them and heal them.

Read or listen to Exodus 15 to get the background on the God who heals us.

If you read that chapter looking attentively for today's name for God, you probably realize that it occurs at the end of the chapter. So why read the whole chapter? Why not skip to the last section? Well, this chapter details God's deliverance for His people in the "Exodus". And that story is vital to our understanding of God's healing.

The Exodus story tells of the mighty miracles God performed through Moses and Aaron to deliver his people. It tells of the sickness and plagues that God sent upon the people of Egypt. And it provides us with the contrast we need to understand God's healing. This is God's charge for us, "If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you."

Once again, God challenges us to develop our relationship with Him, living our lives according to His word and His laws. And if we will do that, He will be for us the God who sustains us and heals us. Sometimes, as in this story, we will be afflicted with an ailment so that God can test us and develop our character. Will we continue to be faithful and follow God even in the midst of affliction or will we grumble and complain?

I don't know about you, but I'm sort of a wimp when it comes to these kinds of tests. I just can't handle the pain, discomfort, and general yuckyness.

God's promise is for those who love Him and are following Him. He will work in our lives.
Does that mean God will always heal Christians? And we should never expect to get sick? Of course not. Some would say that the ultimate healing is dying in this life and rising in the next life where there is no more pain, suffering, or death.

My challenge to you is that when you do go through an affliction or need God's healing, draw nearer to God. His promise to you is that if you and I would draw near to Him, He will draw near to us.

Pastor Arlen