Jesus' resurrection from the grave is a fact that can be proven by historical documents and eye witness accounts.
Jesus' resurrection is also the prime example that God is a living God. Read today's chapter and consider what a difference it makes to follow a living God.
Click here to listen and read Jeremiah 10.
God is alive. He defied and continues to defy the idols and gods of this world (which are really just objects or deities made by man). You may feel like God doesn't hear your prayers sometimes, but He's alive and He's listening. Sometimes we have to be persistent in praying and seeking because if we will be persistent, God will show up. He just might show up in a way we weren't expecting.
How else will this truth about the Living God affect your prayer, worship, & devotion?
Take some time to pause and pray today.
Blessings to you that you might be a blessing to others!
pastor arlen
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