Thursday, October 11, 2007

Learning to Walk the Path of God

Hi Gang,
We just started this new series on the Life of Abraham (aka Abram).
Abraham's life is packed with practical lessons that we all need to learn as we walk with God. To help you follow along with our weekly messages, I'm going to put up some study notes for you here on my blog.

This week we're studying Genesis 13. So here are the notes for you...

Genesis 13: Study Notes for your personal growth

The Story begins with Abram's return from Egypt. Sometimes we have to return to the Lord from a season of disobedience.

v2- Notice the wealth Abram had accumulated. But remember how he got his wealth in Genesis 12:10-16.

v3-4 Tell of Abram's return spiritually. He came back to a place or worship to repent and return to God. If only we would always have enough sense to do the same when we have strayed.

v7 Mentions that the Canaanites and Perizzites were also living in the land where Abram and Lot's men quarreled. While this detail may be unimportant, isn't it true that there are always non-believers watching how we Christians act? If we respond like Abram, with humility and understanding, the world will see Jesus working in our lives and we can use that opportunity to turn people to Him.

In verse 10, Lot makes his decision purely on what he sees. Remember another person who did the same? Eve looked at the forbidden fruit and saw it's pleasing nature. But there's more to a choice than what we can see. There's the spiritual impact of obeying God or following his leading. I believe Abram was humble and followed God well because he first "called upon the name of the Lord." Lot lived by sight and not by faith.

"The East" it would be interesting to study the word East in the Bible as a lot of evil come from the "East".

The end of this chapter is marked with God reiterating His promise to Abram and Abram worshipping God.

What has God been teaching us about how we learn to walk the path of God? Repentance and worship characterize this chapter and God seems to be pleased. Walking the path of God requires humility and patience. We cannot rush God, but if we humbly worship and obey, God will bring about his plan in his timing. Amen!

Hope this helps you in your daily walk with God!

pastor arlen

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