Today we're going to talk about a name for God that everyone loves. Even non-believer's love this name for God because when they're sick, they don't mind us praying for God to help them and heal them.
Read or listen to Exodus 15 to get the background on the God who heals us.
If you read that chapter looking attentively for today's name for God, you probably realize that it occurs at the end of the chapter. So why read the whole chapter? Why not skip to the last section? Well, this chapter details God's deliverance for His people in the "Exodus". And that story is vital to our understanding of God's healing.
The Exodus story tells of the mighty miracles God performed through Moses and Aaron to deliver his people. It tells of the sickness and plagues that God sent upon the people of Egypt. And it provides us with the contrast we need to understand God's healing. This is God's charge for us, "If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you."
Once again, God challenges us to develop our relationship with Him, living our lives according to His word and His laws. And if we will do that, He will be for us the God who sustains us and heals us. Sometimes, as in this story, we will be afflicted with an ailment so that God can test us and develop our character. Will we continue to be faithful and follow God even in the midst of affliction or will we grumble and complain?
I don't know about you, but I'm sort of a wimp when it comes to these kinds of tests. I just can't handle the pain, discomfort, and general yuckyness.
God's promise is for those who love Him and are following Him. He will work in our lives.
Does that mean God will always heal Christians? And we should never expect to get sick? Of course not. Some would say that the ultimate healing is dying in this life and rising in the next life where there is no more pain, suffering, or death.
My challenge to you is that when you do go through an affliction or need God's healing, draw nearer to God. His promise to you is that if you and I would draw near to Him, He will draw near to us.
Pastor Arlen